The PREVISTORM® Thunderstorm Warning System for preventive lightning protection continuously measures and analyses the evolution of the atmospheric electric field. This system supports the monitorization of the thunderstorm cloud electrification process, the generation of early warnings and alerts and the detection of lightning discharges in a radius of up to 20km.
The PREVISTORM® Thunderstorm Warning System for preventive lightning protection continuously measures and analyses the evolution of the atmospheric electric field. This system supports the monitorization of the thunderstorm cloud electrification process, the generation of early warnings and alerts and the detection of lightning discharges in a radius of up to 20km.
Lightning discharges constitute a real threat that causes many victims every year. Damages caused by lightning to goods are also
of considerable magnitude and, occasionally, cause partial or complete stoppage of key and important activities.
The PREVISTORM® Thunderstorm Warning System lightning prevention system monitors the clouds electrification process. The alarms generated by this system provide knowledge in advance that lightning occurrence risk has increased. This knowledge provides a valuable time advantage for the activation of preventive measures for protecting and preserving lives and goods.
This system is suitable for installation as an autonomous system and as well as part of more complex systems with multiple sensors. Working as an autonomous system, the PREVISTORM® Thunderstorm Warning System can be used for generating visual and audible alerts that indicate the start and end of periods of high electro-atmospheric discharges occurrence risk.
The PREVISTORM® Thunderstorm Warning System can be integrated into automated ambient monitoring and scientific research systems for continuous monitoring of the electro-atmospheric field.
There are 2 different Previstorm models: ref. 700.031 PVS 24S and ref. 700.032 PVS 48S.
The main difference between both is that the 48s includes a heater inside that melts the ice or snow if the Previstorm is located on cold areas.
Both models include the sensor, the connection cable, the output signal, indoor connection box, the sensor power supply, the USB-RS232 adaptor and the software package and digital documentation.