MetPak professional weather station is an all-in-one weather system capable of monitoring up to six weather parameters: barometric pressure, air temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed and wind direction.
MetPak weather station
MetPak professional weather station is an all-in-one weather system capable of monitoring up to six weather parameters: barometric pressure, air temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed and wind direction. The MetPak weather station has a variety of wind sensor options that can be mounted remotely from the weather station.
The MetPak weather station utilises Gill WindSonic ultrasonic technology, an internal barometric pressure sensor and a Rotronic Hygroclip HC2-S3 temperature/humidity probe. The temperature/ humidity probe is mounted within a naturally aspirated radiation shield.
Installation is simple using the rugged U-bolt mounting clamp, suitable for attachment to any vertical pipe from 25mm to 50mm diameter.